Doggy daycares need to be licensed and inspected, and you can check whether they follow state and local laws by asking the daycare’s owners seven questions before joining. These questions are designed to help you get a clear picture of what to expect from your potential daycare. It is important to ask for a list of permits, licenses, and other documentation. You should also ask about the staff’s qualifications and make sure they’re well-trained and knowledgeable about the needs of your dog.
Qualifications and experience to care
One of the most important questions to ask your dog daycare before joining is if they have the necessary qualifications and experience to care for your pooch. Your pet must have a high level of socialization, be comfortable with being handled by strangers, and be trained with basic obedience commands like sit and come. You can also ask if they offer crate naps, as dogs can become extremely tired from mental and physical exhaustion.
For aggressive dogs
A good daycare should evaluate your dog’s temperament and size before allowing it to stay in the facility. You should ask for a photo of the dog harness and ask the staff if they have it. If your dog is aggressive, you should ask the daycare owner what policies they have for aggressive dogs. Doggy daycare owners should be able to accommodate your pet’s needs without causing any problems.
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